# LDAP This will setup portainer with testing image and openldap service with bootstrap data + StartTLS/TLS enabled ## 1. How to start? ``` git clone https://github.com/oscarzhou/portainer-openldap-quick-setup.git && cd portainer-openldap-quick-setup chmod +x ldap-run.sh ./ldap-run.sh ``` ![setup-openldap](/images/setup-openldap.gif) After the output `Portainer run up successfully` shows up, it may take a while for portainer to finish initialization. You can refresh the web page every 5 seconds. ## 2. How to test? | Key | Value | |---|---| | Admin Login DN | cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org | | Admin Password | admin_pass | | Server IP | | | Port over TLS (STARTTLS) | 389 | | Port over SSL | 636 | | CA Certificate | ./data/certs/ldap-ca.pem | | username1 | developer | | password1 | developer_pass | | username2 | maintainer | | password2 | maintainer_pass |