#!/bin/bash set -eu ERROR_COLOR='\033[0;31m'; HIGHLIGHT_COLOR='\033[0;32m'; INPUT_COLOR='\033[0;33m'; NO_COLOR='\033[0m'; read -p "$(echo -e ${INPUT_COLOR}Specify the output path: ${NO_COLOR})" OUTPUT_PATH if [ -z "$OUTPUT_PATH" ]; then OUTPUT_PATH="$(pwd)/output" if [[ ! -e "$OUTPUT_PATH" ]]; then mkdir "$OUTPUT_PATH" fi fi if [[ ! -e "$OUTPUT_PATH" ]]; then printf "${ERROR_COLOR}${OUTPUT_PATH} doesn't exist.\n"; exit; fi read -p "Do you have cfssl installed?(y/n): " is_cfssl_installed CFSSLEXE=${OUTPUT_PATH}/cfssl CFSSLJSONEXE=${OUTPUT_PATH}/cfssljson if [[ "${is_cfssl_installed}" == "y" || "${is_cfssl_installed}" == "Y" ]]; then read -p "Specify the path where the cfssl and cfssljson are placed: " TOOL_PATH CFSSLEXE=${TOOL_PATH}/cfssl CFSSLJSONEXE=${TOOL_PATH}/cfssljson printf "${HIGHLIGHT_COLOR}Your cfssl binary path is ${CFSSLEXE}${NO_COLOR}\n" if [ ! -e "$CFSSLEXE" ]; then printf "${ERROR_COLOR}no cfssl found.\n"; exit; fi if [ ! -e "$CFSSLJSONEXE" ]; then printf "${ERROR_COLOR}no cfssljson found.\n"; exit; fi else # Download the cfssl for users read -p "Specify your platform(darwin/linux/windows): " PLATFORM if [ -Z "$PLATFORM" ]; then printf "${ERROR_COLOR}Platform must be provided.\n"; exit; fi printf "${HIGHLIGHT_COLOR}Only amd64 is supported${NO_COLOR}\n" wget "https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/releases/download/v1.6.1/cfssl_1.6.1_${PLATFORM}_amd64" -O "${OUTPUT_PATH}/cfssl" chmod +x "${OUTPUT_PATH}/cfssl" wget "https://github.com/cloudflare/cfssl/releases/download/v1.6.1/cfssljson_1.6.1_${PLATFORM}_amd64" -O "${OUTPUT_PATH}/cfssljson" chmod +x "${OUTPUT_PATH}/cfssljson" printf "${HIGHLIGHT_COLOR}Download the cfssl bundle successfully.${NO_COLOR}\n" fi cd $OUTPUT_PATH ${CFSSLEXE} print-defaults csr | ${CFSSLEXE} gencert -initca - | ${CFSSLJSONEXE} -bare ldap-ca CONFIG_CFSSL_JSON=${OUTPUT_PATH}/cfssl.json cat <> ${CONFIG_CFSSL_JSON} { "signing": { "default": { "expiry": "87600h", "usages": ["signing", "key encipherment", "server auth"] } } } EOF read -p "Give a name to the certificate: " CERT_NAME read -p "Input the hostname(example.org, " CERT_HOSTNAME echo '{}' | ${CFSSLEXE} gencert -ca=ldap-ca.pem -ca-key=ldap-ca-key.pem -config=${CONFIG_CFSSL_JSON} \ -hostname="${CERT_HOSTNAME}" - | ${CFSSLJSONEXE} -bare ${CERT_NAME} printf "${HIGHLIGHT_COLOR}The custom TLS certificates are successfully generated in the path ${OUTPUT_PATH}.${NO_COLOR}\n"